Strategy Management

The HR strategic plan sets the direction for the department to address the trends and challenges that are specifically focused to align the human resource efforts to achieve business plans. The HR strategic plan also provides information and direction about the Process Areas as per P-CMM to be focused within the organization as PCMM provides a comprehensive and systematic HR model / framework built around competencies, analytics and capabilities.


The purpose of aligning HR strategies is to determine the organization’s long-term HR objectives and establish the action points necessary to achieve them over a period of next 5 years. The process involves an in-depth analysis of current and anticipated conditions that may affect the organization’s capabilities to achieve its vision and mission.


Aligning HR strategies to business plan by:

  • Understanding the business strategy;
  • Assessing current conditions & status;
  • Plan and implement the HR strategy; and
  • Measure and evaluate results and adjustments as needed.

Communication within the HR department and with leaders of other business functions is the key to accomplishing the HR strategies.


  1. One to one interaction with HoDs from Departmental Heads. Also, Focus Group Interaction with senior executives and Top Management
  2. Workshop on sharing business plans to HR executives from Region/Units/ sections (HRD, Appraisal, Policy, Estb., Recruitment, etc) and brainstorming on data points
  3. Examining Key HR challenges and developing year wise action points.


HR Trends and Key Challenges Summary

Creating an Agile Organisation:

  • Cost Plus to Competitive Bidding Approach
  • Creating Global Mindset
  • Monitoring to Co-ordination and Facilitation : Operating in Silos to Collaboration

Workforce Strategy

  • Workforce Composition
  • Workforce Planning & Recruitment Strategy
  • Sourcing Strategy for Executives
  • Sourcing Strategy for Non Executives

Competency Framework

  • Development and updation of Competency Database
  • Competency Based Practices, career and succession plan
  • Learning and Development, Knowledge Management

Culture Building

  • Use of HR tools and Technology for greater transparency and data driven decision making
  • Rewards and Recognition strategy, reinforcing Core values and performance
  • Suggestions & Feedback system – creating a Live Organisation
  • Employee engagement Interventions and creating work life balance

Adopting People CMM Predictable Level to Quantify HR Capabilities

Competency Integration – The purpose of Competency Integration is to improve the efficiency and agility of interdependent work by integrating the process abilities of different workforce competencies

Empowered Workgroups – The purpose of Empowered Workgroups is to invest workgroups with the responsibility and authority for determining how to conduct their business activities most effectively

Competency-Based Assets – The purpose of Competency-Based Assets is to capture the knowledge, experience, and artifacts developed in performing competency-based processes for use in enhancing competency and performance

Quantitative Performance Management – The purpose of Quantitative Performance Management is to predict and manage the capability of competency-based processes for achieving measurable performance objectives.

Organizational Capability Management – The purpose of Organizational Capability Management is to quantify and manage the capability of the workforce and of the critical competency-based processes they perform.

Mentoring – The purpose of Mentoring is to transfer the lessons of greater experience in a workforce competency to improve the capability of other individuals or workgroups.